The PSAT/NMSQT is scheduled for Wednesday, October 13th, at 7:30 am, at CHS.  This is a great practice option for standardized testing and also the primary eligibility to getting qualified as a National Merit Scholar.  

The cost for this optional exam is $18 and payment is due the day of the test.

We encourage our juniors to not miss out on this opportunity offered here at CHS, no late registration can be accepted. 

Scan the QR Code below

OR - Click here to register for the PSAT/NMSQT now. 

Deadline for registration is Monday, September 13th.  

Any questions, please contact student's assigned School Counselor:

A-G: Mrs. Karlie Cooper -

H-O: Mrs. Rylie Stadel -

P-Z: Mrs. Shannon Knuppe -

IEP/SPED Students: Mrs. Amy Hauge -